Thanks for registering!
What next?
Watch your email. I'll be sending an invoice soon. A day or two before the club kicks off, I'll also send you a link to the private Facebook page.
Get the book. (Note: if you've registered on or before August 25th, you'll be entered in a drawing to win a copy of the book. The winner will be notified by email after the 25th.) The book we're using this round is Stop Buying Bins & other blunt but practical advice from a home organizer. You can find more info about the book here. (This is an Amazon link, but I'm not suggesting that you get it there. Your local book store can probably order it for you if they don't already have it!) I suggest looking for the book at the library or getting an ebook (because, you know... clutter), but please get it in whatever format you prefer!
Spread the word. If you know someone who struggles with clutter, encourage them to join the club as well. The best part of the book club is the community!
Please let me know if you have any questions!